# 20221219: Vuepress, Git
# VuePress: Crear site
# create-vuepress-site
- npx create-vuepress-site vuepress-hello
- cd vuepress-hello/docs
- npm install
- npm run dev
- http://localhost:8080/ (opens new window)
# manual
- npm install --save-dev vuepress
- package.json
- "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs"
- "docs:build": "vuepress build docs"
- mkdir docs
- vim docs/index.md
home: true
actionText: Counter Component
actionLink: /counter/
- title: Embedded Vue Compments
details: A Vue counter developed using Vue is embedded in this documentation. Now that's the power of VuePress!
- title: Documentation made with VuePress
details: This entire documentation was made with VuePress which parsed Markdown files and corresponding assets using webpack.
footer: Developed using VuePress by William Imoh
- npm run docs:dev
- http://localhost:8080/ (opens new window)
# Git: Cherry Pick
- Permite tomar uno o varios cambios de otra branch sin tener que hacer el merge completo.
- git cherry-pick commit_id
- Referencia: Platzi: Git cherry-pick: traer commits viejos al head de un branch (opens new window)
# Git: Pretty graph
- git log --graph --decorate --format=format:'%h %s' --all
- Muestra el id del commit y el sumario